Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Windigo Psychosis

The origins of the Windigo cannot be traced back to one specific location but the legend was born in the Algonquin tribes based in Northern United Sates and Canada.
Windigos can be created through cannibalism or through possesion.

In native american tribes cannibalismn was and still is a big taboo. Many native americans believed that if a human became weak and decided to eat another human being in order to survive they would become possesed by the spirit of the Windigo. Some native americans commited suicide instead of eating another human beings flesh, simply because of the fear of becoming possesed by the Windigo.Some see the Windigo as a mental breakdown of sorts. When an individual is stranded, hungry, and cold they may develop cannibilistic thoughts and if time continues to go by without food these thoughts may eventually be acted upon. 
Psychologists have discovered a disorder known as Windigo Psychosis. Windigo Psychosis a a mental disorder in which a human consumes human flesh and aquires some of the attributes of the Windigo, an unsatiable hunger for human flesh. This is a very strange mental disorder because it was solely derived from Native American culture. Here is an old story in which a man struggles with Windigo Psychosis
“August 15, 2005 – In 1896 a man traveling through the woods near Trout Lake, in northern Alberta, reported having a strange vision of a creature. The encounter apparently drove him mad. He, and his fellow villagers, believed he’d been possessed by a Windigo – a malevolent spirit that afflicts its victims with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. As his condition worsened, the man’s neighbours locked him in a cabin. One eyewitness, a fur trader from Scotland, said that the man hardly resembled a human being at one point. Frightened villagers eventually executed the man, buried him and piled logs on his grave to make sure he couldn’t come back to life, as he had vowed to, unless a priest came to the village within three days. Strangely enough a priest did arrive – apparently the first ever in that area – and found all the villagers huddled in a shack, fearing for their lives.”
- spooky tale told in Northern Alberta source
Windigo Psychosis has even made it to main stream shows such as It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. In the following clip it can be seen what normal life is like after being afflicted with Windigo Psychosis. 

Always Sunny In Philadelphia- Windigo Psychosis

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