Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Keeping yourself Safe!

This is not a sure fire method for protection from these beasts, they move too fast many times to even have a chance.
If you are camping in an area that may be known for wendigo sightings, you will want a fire going at all times. Some theories behind this creature are that its heart and/or its whole body is made completely of ice. Which is why you have the fire, but if you only injure it it will get mad and not care all too much about there being fire. There's also theories on silver being able to injure them just the same.

But the most common is fire.

fig. 1 fire in its form

"There are two ways to destroy the Wendigo. One  is by destroying its heart which is said to be made of ice. First one needs to incapacitate the Wendigo, next drive a silver stake through its heart in order to shatter it, then put the pieces in a securely locked silver box and bury it in consecrated ground. After, you must dismember the body with a silver tipped axe and the pieces must be salted and burned to ashes and scattered to the four winds. Once this is done one wouldn't need to worry about the Wendigo, however, if these procedures are not done properly there's a high chance of the Wendigo coming back to life and of the Wendigo wanting revenge on its would be hunter.The other way is to burn it alive. One would need a flare gun or a Bow and arrow with the arrow on fire. Make sure to aim for the heart or else the Wendigo's soul would still be there and would find another body to take over." source

Unfortunately I could not find one thing I was hoping to add...
There are theories on a windigo in either the Dakota, or Ojibwe culture. That he's a shapeshifter. In capturing him and burning him alive this clan scattered his ashes to the four winds, like the above information recommends, he came back the next year as mosquito that continue to eat us alive today. 
fig. 02 the mosquito death from the opening sequence of Dexter

But there's a chance that this monster may be something completely different from a Wendigo... 

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